You’re probably familiar with soccer, or at least fútbol. It’s a sport played all over the world, and most people know the basic idea of it: You score by kicking a ball into a net. But did you know there’s another form of the game that was designed for indoor play, called Futsal? Futsal and soccer are closely related, but there are several differences between them. Let’s look at some of those now!
The pitch and the number of players
The pitch is one of the main differences between futsal and soccer. Because it’s played on a smaller surface, futsal players must be more aware of where they are at all times. On a soccer field, there is plenty of room to roam around if you get caught offside or you need to make up for lost time after losing possession.
One of the major differences between soccer and futsal is that there are only five players on the field in futsal, while soccer has 11 players. This means that futsal has a higher density of play, which makes it a more tactical game and requires more technical ability.

This difference can also be seen in how each player is positioned on the field: While seven players are typically stationed for both soccer and futsal (four defenders, two midfielders, one striker), those four defenders are positioned much closer to the goal than they would be in soccer. Since there’s less space between you and your opponent at all times during a futsal match—and you’re further from your teammates—you need to be able to think quickly on your feet as well as have good technical skills such as dribbling or passing with accuracy, no matter what position you play, which is not expected in soccer.
The ball is different
Futsal balls are smaller and heavier than soccer balls which makes it easier to control in close quarters, with a circumference of 27–28 in (68–69 cm). Futsal balls have a different shape too: they’re rounder at the top and flatter on the bottom than their counterparts in soccer. It’s also worth noting that there are two types of synthetic leather used to cover futsal balls: one is made out of plastic and another out of leather. Both types have their advantages; however, plastic-covered balls tend to be more durable than leather-covered ones because they can withstand damage better without losing their shape or bounce.
The length of the games is different

Futsal games are shorter, faster and more intense than soccer. Futsal games last for two halves (20 minutes each), with a 5-minute break in between the halves. Soccer matches last for 90 minutes with a 15 minute halftime break. This means that players have less room for error as well as less time to control their ball before they pass it or kick it forward. This makes futsal games more exciting because every pass counts!
While these two sports may seem similar, we can now see that there are some important differences. Soccer and futsal require different levels of skill and endurance. We should also notice that soccer is a more popular sport with a bigger fan base than futsal.